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Tag: Two-Year MBA

Andrew Doyle, Mario Russo, Reese McCranie, Connor Henderson

MBA students consult on new initiative for city of Atlanta

This February, a group of graduate students was granted a unique opportunity to take an in-class project to a bigger audience—and potentially make a...
Martha S. Buffington 97MBA

Know Your Network: Martha S. Buffington 97MBA

Women in business are creating their own path, starting businesses, raising amazing families, leading academic institutions, and breaking through the C-suite ceiling. In this...
Carol McMahon Hill _07MBA

Know Your Network: Carol McMahon Hill 07MBA

Women in business are creating their own path, starting businesses, raising amazing families, leading academic institutions, and breaking through the C-suite ceiling. In this...

Goizueta MBA programs hold strong in top 25 in U.S. News...

For the tenth year in a row, Emory University's Goizueta Business School's MBA programs are in the top 25.
Happy Valentine's Day

Know Your Network: Alumni sweethearts make the ultimate connection

Valentine’s Day holds a special place in the hearts of many graduates of Goizueta Business School. On this day filled with flowers, candy, and...

100 Years and Beyond: Goizueta positions itself for new era

As Dean Erika James stands at her desk surrounded by technology her predecessors would most certainly envy, she’s mindful that the challenges and goals for the future are in some ways similar to those that have come before.

“Poets & Quants features MBA Class of 2021,” Poets & Quants

In its annual survey of incoming students, Poets&Quants has featured some of the members of Emory University's Goizueta Business School MBA Class of 2021.

Full-Time MBA program ranked by Poets&Quants

Business school news site Poets&Quants released its annual composite ranking of top U.S. MBA programs Monday and Goizueta’s full-time program remains ranked among the best in the country. Emory University’s Goizueta Business School is No. 22 on the list.

Salaries, Job Offers Continue to Rise for Goizueta MBA Graduates

Consistently ranked a top-10 MBA program for employment, 97% of Goizueta MBA grads had offers within 3 months and saw average total compensation rise again.

Know Your Network: Dylan Vest 17MBA

As our nation and Emory University celebrate Veterans Day on November 11th, this month is a time to remember the military personnel−active duty and veterans−who have...

Full-Time MBA Program moves up in Businessweek rankings

The Full-Time MBA Program at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School placed 23rd in program rankings released today by Bloomberg Businessweek.

Know Your Network: Alex Meyers 14MBA

As our nation and Emory University celebrates Veterans Day on November 11th, this month is a time to remember the military personnel−active duty and...