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The Case for Career Advocates: An Organization Is Not a Meritocracy

"This blog post is the first in a three-part series that summarizes the key messages I deliver to my students, in the hopes that...

Will a Collaborative and Diverse Workforce Improve Business Operations? Yes.

Diversity in all of its forms remains something that is not yet entirely understood both in business and academia. We don’t fully know what...
Mike Lewis, professor of marketing

Counter-Marketing, Taxes, or Use Restrictions – What Leads the Pack in...

When it comes to marketing, the endgame is almost always to increase brand awareness, strengthen relationships between companies and consumers, and boost market share....
A blue-collar worker

Why Working-class Americans Struggle to Make It (and why it matters)

Social class has a significant role to play in career success in the United States. A growing body of research is shedding disquieting light...

Goizueta Business School Partners with the LGBTQ Institute on Survey

After the Marriage Equality Act passed on June 26, 2015, many people thought the legalization of same-sex marriage was the ultimate victory for LGBTQ...
Professor of Marketing David Schweidel

Data and Analytics Make Things Tick in Business

When David Schweidel first entered college at the University of Pennsylvania, he thought he would become an actuary because of his interest and talent...

Knowledge Creation Spring 2021

Goizueta faculty are world-renowned for their experience and business expertise. They focus on researching important problems that affect business and their insights shape the...

#GoizuetaKnows: It’s Equal Parts Marketing, Equal Parts Wall Street

Until now, evaluating firms has been a question of forecasting future revenues off of past revenues. But with increasing access to new data, astute...
A rich man holds the world

Climate Change-Related Natural Disasters Impact Short-Lived Assets and Interest Rates

For decades, scientists across the globe have warned about the effects of climate change. Given that these changes—global warming, rising sea levels—happen over time...

Does Electoral Campaign Advertising Actually Work?

When political ads come from candidates themselves, there is a discernible uptick in voter support. The same, however, is not true for PACS.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Initiatives Crucial to Brand Success

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Initiatives Crucial to Brand Success

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are crucial for brands. Consumers and stakeholders expect it, and brands must deliver it. What exactly is socially responsible...