Tag: Master of Finance
Slaying the wolf of economic insecurity
Michael Graetz 66BBA knows firsthand how to work hard to achieve a goal. As an Emory University student, he lived at home and worked...
Goizueta faculty, using rigorous methodologies, focus on researching important problems that affect the practice of business. The following is a sample of recently created...
High risk/high reward: Investing in frontier markets
Thrill seekers, gamblers and high-risk investors share a passion for the big payoff. At the same time, they also weigh potentially high risk against...
Jegadeesh to CFOs: The capital asset pricing model still rules
Firms invest in various things: bonds, stocks or other
assets—new stores, new premises or even other firms. And they do so to earn maximum
value from...
First annual Executive Women Conference provides encouragement for female students interested...
The first annual Executive Women Conference, hosted by the student-run Goizueta Women in Finance, took place on April 12. Speakers included Kim Scardino, SVP of Finance at The Home Depot, Robin Moore 87BBA, VP of Integrated Services at the Coca-Cola Company, and Allison Dukes 06EMBA, CFO of SunTrust.