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Peter W. Roberts

Peter W. Roberts
Peter W. Roberts is the Academic Director of Social Enterprise @ Goizueta (SE@G) and Professor of Organization and Management at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. Professor Roberts founded SE@G after many years of conducting research on how the behavior and performance of organizations evolve over time. In recent years, Peter’s research has turned to specialty coffee markets. Growing out of SE@G’s work with farmers in Nicaragua, the Farmers to 40 program was established to support coffee-growing communities by changing the way that specialty coffee markets think and operate. Prior to his arrival at Emory University, Peter served on the faculties of Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon University, and the Australian Graduate School of Management. His Ph.D is from the University of Alberta.

Commentary: Roberts offers closer look at the TOMS model

Coffee communities might actually be better off if we simply pay farmers appropriately, and then allow them to procure clean water for themselves. If you...