Emory Business
Rosensweig Speaks Internationally
Jeff Rosensweig, Associate Professor of Finance and Director of Goizueta's Global Perspectives Program, spoke recently at a philanthropic gathering in Jamaica.
A noted world economist,...
Barefoot on Small-Size Advantage
Associate Dean of MBA Admissions Julie Barefoot told Bloomberg BusinessWeek in a recent Q&A that Goizueta's small size makes it "nimble" and able to...
Goizueta in the News: July 14, 2011
Notable comments from Goizueta staff, faculty and students will be shared each week along with news on alumni, programs and rankings. Click here to...
Newest Goizueta Magazine Now Online
Goizueta Business School published the spring edition of Goizueta Magazine in time for Emory's commencement festivities, complete with a stories focusing on the school's global...
Konsynski: Innovation on All Fronts
Business and industry aren't the only players in a rapidly-changing global environment. Education must also adapt to an increasingly digital and entrepreneurial world says Benn Konsynski, George...
Businessweek: Points of MBA Etiquette
In looking for a perfect MBA program, prospective students have plenty to consider. Once in school, there's even more to keep in mind when it comes...
Goizueta in the News: July 7, 2011
Notable comments from Goizueta staff, faculty and students will be shared each week along with news on alumni, programs and rankings. Click here to...
Cooper on Supporting the Military
Goizueta alumna Shan Cooper, General Manager of the Lockheed Martin facility in Marietta, spoke with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently about her first six months...
Worker Productivity in the Google Age
Earlier this month Google released a new, interactive "Doodle" on it's homepage inviting users to pluck a few guitar strings in honor of music...
Goizueta in the News: June 30, 2011
Notable comments from Goizueta staff, faculty and students will be shared each week along with news on alumni, programs and rankings. Click here to...
Students Capture Video Award
Three Goizueta undergraduate students were honored last week for their work in a student film contest hosted by the Association of Higher Education Cable Television...
Alum Testifies Before Congress
BBA alum and founder/CEO of SecondMarket Barry Silbert testified before Congress recently in regards to proposed legislation that would increase the amount of shareholders...