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Áine Doris

Áine Doris
Áine is a copywriter and editor with digital communication skills backed by qualifications in journalism, social media and community management and training in web design/usability. She works with business schools and universities and corporate clients including Cisco, Hewlett Packard, DDB, Young & Rubicam and McCann.

Survival analysis: forecasting lifespans of patients and products

Survival analysis: forecasting lifespans of patients and products
How long will you live? Should you spring for that AppleCare+ warranty for your iPhone? When will your buddy pay you back for that lunch? For centuries,...

Why online recommendations make it easier to hit “buy”

Why online recommendations make it easier to hit “buy”
When it is time to buy something online, perhaps a coffee maker, you might head to Amazon and browse items for sale. One particular model might...

Personality matters: the tie between language and how well your video...

Personality matters: the tie between language and how well your video content performs
Why does one piece of online video content perform better than another? Does it come down to its relevance, production values, and posting and sharing strategies?...

Online ratings systems shouldn’t just be a numbers game

Online ratings systems shouldn’t just be a numbers game
When you’re browsing the internet for something to buy, watch, listen to, or rent, chances are that you will scan online recommendations before you make your...

Lockdown teleworking impacts productivity of women more than men

Lockdown teleworking impacts productivity of women more than men
When the COVID-19 pandemic led countries all over the world to lock down their economies in early 2020, there was an unprecedented global shift to teleworking...

The Alexa Effect: How the internet of things (IoT) is increasing...

The Alexa Effect: How the internet of things (IoT) is increasing retail sales
Imagine this scenario. You’re out of coffee but with the click of a button or a simple voice command, you reorder a two months’ supply...

Why are U.S. corporate boards under-diversified?

Why are U.S. corporate boards under-diversified?
Research tells us that firms with diverse workforces generally outperform those that do not. And in recent years, corporate America has taken significant strides towards greater...

Exploring the direct link between drug abuse and the internet

Exploring the direct link between drug abuse and the internet
Drug overdoses account for a staggering number of deaths in the United States. In 2017 alone, more than 70,000 U.S. citizens died from opioid overdoses, a number...

Is hospital advertising actually good for our health?

Is hospital advertising actually good for our health?
Hospitals and healthcare organizations in the U.S. spend $1.5 billion on advertising every year. It’s a topic that provokes lively debate and a certain amount of controversy. Medical bodies,...


Goizueta faculty, using rigorous methodologies, focus on researching important problems that affect the practice of business. The following is a sample of recently created...

#GoizuetaKnows: Up close with Diwas KC

Diwas KC, professor of information systems & operations management
Healthcare delivery is a relatively untapped area in terms of academic investigation. This is perhaps a little surprising given the breadth of dimensions it...

Why posting to multiple channels drives virality of online videos

Screen cap from Gangnam Style video by Psy
Back in the summer of 2012, South Korean pop star Psy released a music video on YouTube. Running at just under four minutes, “Gangnam...