Poets & Quants released a ranking of the top 100 business school MBA programs Thursday with Goizueta placing 20th on the list.
Goizueta’s full-time MBA program was also No. 20 in the 2010 ranking.
Click here for the top 100 MBA programs according to Poets & Quants and veteran business school reporter John Byrne.
The results came from a composite rank of the five top rankings includingBusinessWeek, Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Financial Times and The Economist.
“By blending these rankings using a system that takes into account each of their strengths as well as their flaws, we’ve come up with what is arguably the most authoritative ranking of MBA programs published,” writes Byrne. The list, which includes the recently released 2011 rankings by The Economist, tends to eliminate anomalies and other statistical distortions that often occur in a single ranking. In any case, the ranking measures the overall quality and reputation of the flagship full-time MBA programs at the schools, rather than the schools themselves.