As celebrations of friends, family, and loved ones are in full swing once again this holiday season, members of the Goizueta community shared their thoughts with Emory Business.
We asked, “From the Goizueta perspective, what are you thankful for?”
Here’s what they had to say.
I’m thankful to be in an environment filled with lifelong learners who are continually striving to better themselves and the world around them. My mentors and classmates have done so many great things during their time at Goizueta and I can’t wait to see what impact they have in the future.
Kegan Baird 22MBA, managing director for the 2022 John R. Lewis Racial Justice Case Competition
This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for all the successes, all the failures, all the growths that I’ve been fortunate to have at Goizueta – they all have made me become a better version of myself!
Octavius “O.C.” Chen 22BBA, senior director of strategic initiatives, Emory Entrepreneurship & Venture Management
I’m grateful for your positive spirit and dedication to making the Goizueta experience so special. I appreciate your creativity and resilience in addressing our community’s needs. I’m thankful for the unique contributions and perspectives that each of you brings to make Goizueta a wonderful place to learn and work.
Karen Sedatole, interim John H. Harland Dean
I’m thankful for a warm welcome this year. I started at Goizueta in February and staff, faculty, and students have generously given their time and support to acclimate me, share their unique perspectives, and discuss innovative ways we can serve students even better. Looking forward to a wonderful 2022!
Melanie Buckmaster, director of communications
This Thanksgiving, I want to say how grateful I am for you. The members of the Emory community—students, faculty, staff, alumni, and supporters—have provided me with so much inspiration. I am deeply thankful for your hard work and dedication during a year when you faced tremendous adversity. I also appreciate how fortunate we are to have come this far in the pandemic, where—because of your commitment and the scientific breakthroughs needed for vaccines and therapeutics (some of which were tested and discovered at Emory)—we can gather this week with less anxiety and more hope for what the future will bring.
Gregory L. Fenves, Emory University president
This Thanksgiving, I am blessed to be celebrating 30 years at Emory University and spending most of that time at Goizueta. I am grateful for the strong community of colleagues that I get a chance to work with and the impact that we continue to make on the lives of so many students.
Alicia Sierra, Goizueta director of human resources and diversity
I would never be where I am today without my time at Goizueta. The network, mentorship, and opportunities I received there fundamentally changed my trajectory for the better. To pick one thing I am thankful for would be too hard so I will simply say that I am thankful for the honor of being called an alumna.
Ashley Freeman 18EvMBA, Founder, Facilitator, and Coach at Flourishing Work, author of forthcoming book The Path to Your Career Purpose: Find and Live the Life of Fulfilling Work You Were Meant to Do
I am most thankful this holiday season to work with colleagues that I consider friends at one of the top business schools in the country.
Dillon Boggs, managing director of development, Emory University Advancement and Alumni Engagement
I’m grateful for so many things this year. I’m thankful for the COVID vaccine which allows my family to gather safely (including with my 95-year-old father) for the Thanksgiving holidays. I’m grateful for the scientists who created the vaccine and for all the healthcare and essential workers who have sacrificed so much over past 20 months to keep people alive and safe. I’m thankful for faculty and staff colleagues who have worked tirelessly over the past 20 months to support our students. I have marveled at their determination, compassion and commitment to serving our students under difficult circumstances. And on a personal note, I’m thankful for my good health, a loving family and caring friends, and of course, for my favorite Thanksgiving dishes: cornbread dressing with cranberry relish, sweet potato casserole and apple pie a la mode!
Julie Barefoot, associate dean of engagement & partnerships and interim chief of staff for Goizueta Business School

We appreciate you, our readers and friends. Happy holidays, everyone!
Check out Goizueta’s Instagram account for more warm wishes, fun photo memories, and stories from our global community.
Happy Thanksgiving!