The following article was written by Goizueta’s Hazel Kassu 95BBA, managing director at Sudduth Search.

From the effects of the pandemic and the great resignation to both the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) for business, the job market of the last few years has been one of the most exciting, but also the most unusual in my 20-plus year recruiting career. The way we work has changed and will continue to change. Now more than ever it’s critical to hire leaders, and to be a leader, who will embrace change, lead through change, and proactively drive change.

So, whether you are looking for a new job in the spring or hiring for key leadership and development roles, it is important to be able to recognize the type of person who thrives in the current environment. Transformational leaders distinguish themselves through several key attributes. Here are some of those Sudduth Search seeks when hiring: 

Collaborative Communicator

Transformational leaders have strong communication and interpersonal skills. They can put themselves in other’s shoes and see things from their perspective, showing them how they can work together to find solutions that benefit everyone. They are listeners first, then talkers. If a candidate is not listening as much as they are talking, or is talking over the interviewer, it’s a red flag. Possessing social awareness to know when it’s time to talk is critical for effective leaders.

Humble and Open

Transformational leaders will compliment others before accepting a compliment themselves. They are humble about what they do and often credit the team rather than taking credit themselves. Look for candidates who admit when they don’t know things and talk about how they solved the situation regardless.

Proactive and Takes Initiative

A great leader will always look for what needs to be done and just do it. They’re always ready to jump in and put in that extra effort to save a project or to land a new client. They are servant leaders.

Steady Demeanor

Transformational leaders talk through difficult topics and conversations without getting upset or emotional. They approach differing opinions with an inquiring mindset in order to understand and learn from other perspectives. They encourage constructive communication that fosters growth, innovation, and progress.

Prioritizes Ethics and Principles

Exceptional leaders are trusted and respected for the decisions they make. They stand by what they believe. They can be trusted to put their employees and clients first. Ask candidates about difficult situations they’ve been in, and how they prioritized their principles.

Curious and Innovative

Effective leaders are curious. They’re great at looking at an issue and finding a simple or alternative solution. They improve existing processes or create new processes if needed. They ask about pain points and then develop creative, often unique solutions.

Caring and Empathetic

Transformational leaders genuinely care about the people around them. They engage others to learn about them and from them, and they are quick to recognize others’ accomplishments. They have a high ability to influence because of their high level of empathy. They put themselves in the other’s place and see things from their perspective. This enables them to not just sympathize but to connect on a deeper level and, in many cases, see that solution or opportunity the other person hasn’t seen.

Emotionally Intelligent

Transformational leaders maintain high emotional intelligence and self-awareness, and an ability to self-regulate.

Drives Change

The best leaders drive change. They aren’t afraid to push the boundaries and challenge the status quo to improve it. Transformational Leadership is all about encouraging employees to think outside the box. It is about recognizing that change is hard for a lot of people and expecting resistance, but treating it as an opportunity to be empathetic and help others grow. Transformational Leaders encourage difficult, but important conversations. They encourage people to think beyond their roles and think about the company as a whole. They include employees in important conversations, they admit when they don’t know something, and they welcome feedback.

By embodying these traits, transformational leaders encourage dynamic, engaged, and innovative workplaces that embrace change.  

Over the past two decades, I have witnessed the cost of mis-hires and have seen the value of transformational leaders. These key traits are important in identifying transformational leaders and equally important is one additional item; knowing a cultural fit when you see it. Will you work well together? Do you have a good rapport? Are you aligned on ethics and values? Dig into this as you interview and address any questions to ensure strong alignment.

About Hazel Kassu

Prior to joining Sudduth Search in 2022 as a managing director, Kassu was president of BIC Recruiting, an executive search firm focused on the energy industry. She joined BIC Alliance in 2010 as an executive recruiter to help develop BIC Recruiting as a standalone business, was promoted to director in 2013 and president in 2016, and grew the business more than tenfold during her tenure.

Ready to develop the skills that define transformational leaders? Learn more about how Goizueta’s programs can prepare you to lead with impact.