Members of the Goizueta Alumni Board gather at a social in 2024.

With the addition of two new members, the Goizueta Alumni Board is positioned to make this year the most impactful yet.

Their backgrounds span B2C and B2B exposure and include wealth management, consulting, and manufacturing operations. Both bring a deep knowledge of business and energy to the strategic initiatives of the board, which includes student engagement and the alumni mentor program.

The alumni board welcomes:
Matthew Liebman 00BBA

Matthew Liebman 00BBA is founding partner and CEO at Amplius Wealth Advisors in Blue Bell, PA. His experience as a research analyst, portfolio manager, and hedge fund manager along with a deep knowledge of asset allocation theory and behavioral finance, provides a unique perspective for his clients as he guides them toward their financial goals.

Matt Sobieski 14EvMBA

Matt Sobieski 14EvMBA combines a wealth of experience from companies such as McKinsey & Company, Equifax, and Lockheed Martin in his current role as Vice President and Head of Operations at Interstate Cargo. In this capacity, he leads a team across 4 plants who manufacture vehicles for customers throughout the US. An intentional and strategic leader, he is passionate about continuous improvement, giving back, and helping people achieve their full potential.

The two alumni joined the board midsemester and are acclimating to their new roles.

“I have been very impressed by the passion and commitment of the board members to the Goizueta and broader Emory communities,” notes Liebman.

Indeed, the generosity of the board is no surprise to Lindsay Topping, managing senior director of Alumni Engagement. “The Goizueta Alumni Board not only share their expertise, stay connected to the school, and strengthen the Goizueta network, but they make a positive impact as well,” she says.

The group’s executive committee for the 2024-25 academic year is David Israel Mendez 15MBA, president; Ari Rollnick 97C 01MBA, vice president; Rashida Burnham 14MBA, secretary; and Jason Payton 12EvMBA, past president.

Other members of the board include:

Qaadirah Abdur-Rahim 11EMBA
Jessica Chod 09MBA/JD
Willie Choi 11PhD
Tyler Ewing 05BBA
Alonzo Ford 09EMBA
Willi Freire 19BBA
Jason Harlow 10BBA 14MBA
Katie Hoole 23MBA
Emily Anne Jacobstein 13MBA
Graham Jaenicke 14MBA
Ted Kim 97BBA
Lauren McGlory 16MBA
John Paul “JP” Ortiz 18MBA
Carrie Schonberg 97C 03MBA
Sam Shabbir 21EMBA
Angelique Stewart 18EMBA
Ainsley TeGrotenhuis 05MBA
Trey Winter 20EMBA

Did you know that your Goizueta alumni network is 25,000 global members strong? Find out more about how you can volunteer with Goizueta, engage with fellow alumni, access career resources, and invest in the future of Goizueta. Reach out to one of the advancement and alumni engagement team members at