Victoria Johnson 25MBV, Air Force; Logistics Manager, Johnson & Johnson

In honor of the Fourth of July, Emory Business caught up with some of our Masters of Business for Veterans students – all from the first cohort of this new program at Goizueta – and all part of the United States military.

Joseph Allen 25MBV

United States Army
United States Military Academy, Company Commander

“To me, the Fourth of July is our opportunity as Americans to celebrate the heritage and freedoms of our nation.”

Why do you think it’s an important holiday to celebrate and recognize?

America’s war for independence is the foundation of our national history. We can never forget this. The freedoms we enjoy and prosperity that defines our home is built on the legacy of the men and women that fought for our independence.

How do you plan to spend your Fourth of July?

I will be spending this Fourth of July with my wife and son. We will take part in our neighborhood’s firework display while enjoying BBQ with friends and loved ones.

Garrett Jones 25MBV

United States Marines
Currently works for Department of Defense

“More than anything else, the Fourth of July is a day to be grateful for the many freedoms we as Americans are blessed with. Many around the world are not nearly as lucky or fortunate to live in this country.”

How do you plan to spend your Fourth of July?

With my family, enjoying fireworks and food with my kids.

Victoria Johnson 25MBV

United States Air Force
Logistics Manager, Johnson & Johnson

“July Fourth represents a celebration of our nation’s independence, honoring the courage and sacrifices of those who have served, including my own experiences in the Air Force. It’s a time to reflect on the values of freedom and unity while enjoying moments with family and friends.”

Why do you think it’s an important holiday to celebrate and recognize?

Celebrating and recognizing July Fourth is important because it honors the historical significance of our nation’s fight for independence and the birth of our democracy. As a veteran, it resonates deeply with me, reminding me of the sacrifices made by those who came before us and the values we strive to uphold. It’s a time to reflect on our shared history and to remember the principles that define our nation and where we started.

How do you plan to spend your Fourth of July?

I plan to spend the holiday enjoying time with those closest to me by grilling out and watching some fireworks!

Phillip Paquette 25MBV

Paquette with his children

United States Army Ranger, Command Sergeant Major

“The Fourth of July is a day of great celebration. We gather and celebrate this holiday with backyard barbeques, reunions, and fellowship with those we cherish—friends and family alike. However, it is easy to lose sight of the deeper meaning of this day. As a service member, the Fourth of July represents purpose for why we stand together as Americans. It serves to unite us in who we are and where we’ve come from.

For service members, past and present, it is a stark reminder of the sacrifices made. This day embodies the ideals we’ve upheld serving our nation. It symbolizes the freedoms that have been defended by generations of brave Americans and the unity of purpose that binds us on common ground.

After more than 20 years of service, the Fourth of July, for me, is also about looking to the future. It is about continuing to learn and grow as a nation, ensuring the principles of freedom, liberty, and justice endure for generations to come.”

How do you plan to spend your Fourth of July?

I will spend this Fourth of July with my family and closest friends. We tend to not over celebrate but will partake in the usual traditions of going to the beach, breaking bread together, and watching fireworks from the beach.

The transition from a military career to a civilian one isn’t always easy or straightforward. Goizueta’s new Master in Business for Veterans serves military veterans, active duty, National Guard, and Reserve personnel. It will teach you how to leverage your management and leadership experience from the military and pair it with business knowledge that gets you up to speedLearn more here, and let Goizueta help you chart your path forward.