Patmon Malcom 03MBA spoke at the Third Annual VetConnect dinner Sept. 30, citing the importance of connecting veterans to resources as they transition to civilian careers. As the keynote speaker, Malcom spoke about “creating luck” for veterans hoping to break into the business world.
“Luck boils down to preparation and opportunity,” Malcom said. “Military veterans are already prepared with the skill sets to succeed in the business world. The key is to find the opportunities to demonstrate those skill sets.”
The dinner, hosted by the GBS Vets Club and sponsored, in part, this year by FedEx and Delta Air Lines, provided networking opportunities for veterans (current students and alumni), faculty and staff, and representatives from various companies.
Tony Kreager, Manager of Marketing at FedEx, spoke about the culture of giving back to veterans that exists within the company.
“We try to provide support to veterans in various aspects within the company, whether it’s through recruiting or helping veterans train for leadership positions within the company,” Kreager said.
Although he is not a military veteran, Kreager believes veterans fit well at FedEx because the leadership and organizational structure is modeled after the military. He said the company believes “that strong leadership potential does not have to come with a title.”
Kevin Scott, a former Navy pilot and Managing Director at Delta, values veterans for their experience in leading large groups, building diverse teams, and executing plans — all skills that transfer well to senior management positions.
Goizuta staffers Shenita Bryant, Ken Keen and Amy Stalzer coordinated the event with MBA students Diana Koucheravy and Dylan Vest.
Goizueta Business School has a history of supporting veterans. Each of the school’s five MBA programs offer a competitive advantage for students from all U.S. military branches. The school also participates in the Yellow Ribbon program, which provides financial aid to veterans. Last year the school announced an increase in Yellow Ribbon awards from 24 to 50, allowing more U.S. military veterans to gain benefits of a business education.
“I was really proud of my service,” Jill Schreifer 05MBA, said in a previous interview. “I wanted to do the same types of things and give back at the community. I was empowered by that during my time at Goizueta as well.”