Several studies point to the importance of maintaining trust in B2B relationships, says Sandy Jap. “Restoring trust is harder than creating it. Trying to restart a relationship is difficult.” Several studies point to the importance of maintaining trust in B2B relationships, says Sandy Jap. “Restoring trust is harder than creating it. Trying to restart a relationship is difficult.
About the Professor
Sandy Jap’s research focuses on the development and management of interorganizational relationships such as how to create and manage strategic alliances over time, how to balance their risks and rewards, and how to share the payoffs of close collaborations. These efforts have been conducted in a number of industries, including the aerospace, automotive, chemical, petroleum, and consumer product industries. The results of this work have been published in a variety of books and journals, including: the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science,Management Science, Organization Science, Sloan Management Review, and a wide array of special issues. She is an Editorial Board Member of theJournal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Letters, and is an Area Editor for the International Journal of Research in Marketing. More recently, she was named a Dean’s Term Chair Professor in 2009 and given the Lou Stern Award 2007 for the article in marketing channels and distribution with the greatest impact on the field three to eight years after publication. In 2003, she was named one of the top twenty “potential leaders of the next generation of marketing academics” by the Marketing Science Institute and in 2004 she was given the title of Caldwell Research Fellow, an internal award for research excellence.
Her current work involving online, reverse auctions has received significant attention from the academic community and the marketplace, including The Wall Street Journal, CFO Magazine, and Harvard Business Review. It also earned her a Frank Batten Young Scholar Award, given to top junior faculty for exemplary research in E-Business and Supply Chain Management. She joined the Goizueta Business School in 2001; prior to that, Professor Jap was on the faculty at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her teaching includes courses in channel management, internet marketing, CRM analytic fieldwork, and marketing management in MBA, BBA, and Executive Education programs.