The research of Clifton Green, associate professor of finance and doctoral area coordinator of finance at the Goizueta Business School, was recently highlighted as “The Daily Stat” for the Harvard Business Review Blog Network. The post titled “Investors Will Like Your Company Better if You Shorten Its Name” cites Green’s findings that a 1-step increase in name “fluency” is associated with a 2.53% increase in market-to-book ratio.
Green joined Goizueta Business School in 1999 after completing his PhD at NYU where he taught 1998-1999. His research interests include investments and market microstructure, with an emphasis on behavioral finance. Clifton’s research has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Financial Times, and on CNBC television. Green holds numerous honors not only for his accomplishments in finance, but also for his distinguished teaching skills.
- Read the full HBR post
- Read Green’s full report Company Name Fluency, Investor Recognition, and Firm Value
-Meredith Farahmand